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One Piece SPOILERS Capitolo 1052

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One Piece CHapter 1052 Title: "New Morning"
-Transition Chapter
(There's a Week Timeskip)
-As far as i can say, this is the cringiest chapter in a while because of tons of reasons.
-The end has a cool twist
-Next Week will be really hype.
More info soon...


Carrot appears, she looks happy crying
A lot of fanservice scenes with Yamato


Cliffhanger, An admiral (Ryukugyu) is on his way to Wano.

It appears, the Dawn has been off-screened (Timeskip).


Yamato is with the guys(Luffy, Brook, Neko...)


Chapter 1052: "New Morning"
Cover: The Germas encounter Caesar
- Zunesha left because the borders are closed
- Hawkins reveals in a talk to Drake that he meant himself when he said one person only has 1% chance of survival. Hawkins predicted Kaido's defeat with his cards but didn't commit another betrayal because of his pride.
7 days passed
- We see the progress made in the land of Wano.
- Apoo & Inbi seem to have made up with the alliance
- Ashura died & Izo died in his exchange with Maha
- A few comedy & fanservice scenes including yamato and the straw hats
- Greenbull is on his way to Wano.


Apparently we'll get bounties next chapter, since newspapers have already arrived... (too rushed for me even if 7 days passed but still)


We don't see Ryogokyu(Greenbull) face, he has a flower on his back that he uses to push himself and fly.


- Morgans already published the news in the newspapers, that's why they commented on bountys being shown in the next chapter.
- We see the crew recovered (includes Zoro).
- Ryogokyu(GreenBull), he is accompanied by a buster call


One Piece will have Jump cover and lead color pages (Color Spread in chapter 1,053) next week in Weekly Shonen Jump #29/2022.

Jump cover will be related with One Piece Film Red, so probably Color Spread will be Eiichiro Oda poster for the film. And that poster will be presented in a few hours in a special streaming.


Law pirates and Kid pirates are in the harbour with Franky, Usopp and the guy that Franky was his pupil at the beginning of the arc
They are relaxing after reparing ships and the Franky Shogun.
Bepo and Killer are saying the Franky shogun is cool
They are also saying that the bounties of the captains will probably be amazing
Apoo arrives with Inbi from the numbers(he was on his hand)
He brings the newspaper with the new bounties and gives it to them
Everything is written, the new bounties and the people who are called the new emperors of the sea

Rokugyu appears the last 2 panels, he is talking with Sakazuki and has a flower at his back and is flying


The first question is, what is Sakazuki and Rokugyuu talking about

Sakazuki: Where are you?
Rokugyuu: In front of Wano
Sakazuki: Don't make anything unnecessary Rokugyuu

Just that, that's why there is no doubt its Rokugyuu

The second question is about Yamato in the bath

Nami was iviting her and Kiku too to the woman bath but Yamato went to the man bath and is fooling around
Yamato is not even hiding her breasts(tho you can't see it with the vapour)

And the third question is if Yamato seems to become a strawhat but the answer is that there is nothing yet


The one crying is Yamato, she is bearing her hunger at the top of the castle until Luffy wakes up
She is covering her face with her arms saying that she is hungry and that she isn't hungry and just after that there is news of Luffy waking up

Momo ate a drop kick from Hiyori lmao
But he is more strong now probably because of his devil fruit
He grabbed Nami's breats but he was sent flying and says it doesn't hurt

Zoro is awake too
Luffy and Zoro are eating
Momo comes asking if they have woken up and to make a feast today
The 2 look at momo but ignores him and keeps eating
Then later Nami's breast part


Someone is saying to enshrine Oden, Izou and Ashura at certain shrine(the leaker says to "that shrine") and they put Ashura and Izou's weapons there.
Onimaru also appears and he says or someone tells to him "So you were alive"
And someone has asked permission to Marco to enshrine Izou there


- Heart Pirates and Kid Pirates are in the harbor with Franky, Usopp and Minamoto (Franky's Master Carpentry from Act 1).
- They are relaxing after repairing ships and the Franky Shogun.
- Bepo and Killer are saying that Franky shogun is cool
- They are also saying that the captains rewards are likely to be amazing
- Apoo arrives with Inbi of the numbers (he was in the hand)
- Apoo brings the journal with the new rewards and gives it to them
- It's all written down, like new rewards and like people who are called new emperors of the sea

- Green Bull appears in the last 2, he is talking to Sakazuki and has a flower on his back and paneling
"Akainu: Where are you?"
"Green Bull: In Front of Wano"
"Akainu: Don't overdo it, greenbull"

- Nami invites yamato and kiku to the women's bath but yamato entered the men's room and is joking
- There is still no confirmation of yamato joining the Straw Hats.
- Yamato is enduring his hunger while sitting on top of the castle waiting for Luffy to wake up.
- Yamato is sitting with his face covered by his arms and saying "I'm hungry, I'm not hungry..."
- Soon after comes the news that Luffy woke up
- Zoro wakes up too
- Luffy and Zoro are eating when momo turns to them and says they should have a feast, but Luffy and Zoro just ignore him and continue eating
- Hiyori drops a kick on momo, but momo says the kick doesn't hurt.
- Momo tries to touch Nami's chest but she sends it hurts like her blow says no.
- someone says that oden, izo and asura must be consecrated. They will place the asura and izo weapons there as well.
- They ask Marco's permission to consecrate.
- Onimaru appears in the chapter.


Chapter 1052: “New Morning”
Cover: “the scientist that failed to escape”

Page 2
【Holy Land, Marijoa】
Gorosei: So..Nika has finally made another appearance in this world..!!
To think two of the Emperors would fall at the same time…
That is not something we can cover up! The news of this incident will circle the world in no time!!
At the worst timing!! What should we do?!
【sea near Wano】
Gorosei: is it true that Zou has disappeared?
CP0 agent: faded into the fog!! what was that?!

Gorosei: so the border remains closed!! The land of Wano is still an iron fortress then!!

Page 3
Gorosei: they must have changed their plan based on the current situation!
Looks like there’s a sharp one among them.
At the moment an attempt to take over with army will be impossible
I expect that you’ll at least be bringing back Nico Robin…

CP0 Agent: of course sir!!
Den Den Mushi: CP0! CP0!
CP0 agent: an interference!
Den Den Mushi: Hey! You guys!
CP0 Agent: who are yourself!
Den Den Mushi: Stay where you are! I’ll be..on my way!

Page 4
【The Land of Wano is filled with excitement, after being freed from 20 years of Tyranny
Inside the Onigashima castle…】
Hawkins: huff huff…
Drake..are you…from the Navy?
Drake: as if I’m just going to answer that!! You came all this way just for that..?
You look terrible…huff huff…I thought..your cards told you it’s going to be fine..
As long as you..don’t betray Kaido..

Page 5
Hawkins: when I was facing that monster.. I saw death and gave up…and ends up becoming his subordinate
But you also have Kid and his crew…they knew they could die during the process…yet they fought on!!
…Even if this time I saw that victory is on their side…you think there’s any chance for me to be wagging my tail at Kid after all that?!

(Drake: If you’re going to switch side now is the time
What are you doing
Hawkins: the chances of a certain man surviving until tomorrow
Drake: 1% huh, sucks to be him)

Drake: …that certain man….
Hawkins: was me…!!

Page 6
【7 days after the end of the fight, Flower Capital】
Citizens: don’t take off the festival decorations yet! According to lord according to the Shogun there’ll be another festival soon!!
Children: Ms.Sarahebi is gone?! Why?!
Teacher: sorry but you all will have to learn the history of our heroes from scratch!!
Children: whaaaaa!!!
Teacher: we’ll start with the great fellow himself!! First lesson is on Kozuki Oden!

Citizens: what a surprise that was..!! Lady Komurasaki, the number one beauty of our country, is actually lord Oden’s daughter!!
Sir Kawamatsu the Kappa was the one that saved her from that burning castle!!

Page 7
Citizens: what a splendid tale of loyalty!!
And the samurai that continues it under the cover of a yakuza known as “Kyoshiro” is none other than!!
One of the Akazaya Nine! Sir Denjiro!!

【Paradise Farm】
Citizens: have you guys heard about the guy that brought down Kaido?
Yep the warrior with the name “Joy Boy”!!!
Though I heard that he’s no longer in this country..!!
Man I wish I could meet him..A hero that rivals the Sword God!

【Ringo, Eternal Grave】
Kawamatsu: build a shrine?
Kin’emon: indeed
On this hill they’ll be able to see all of the Capital like the Sword God Ryuma, and this is where….

Page 8
Kin’emon: …we will enshrine lord Oden..!!
And surrounding him, we shall do the same for the Daimyos that have fought for this nation, such as lord Yasuie…
And..we’ll also…
Honor Ashura and Izo here…!!

Kawamatsu: Kapapa Onimaru don’t you think we’ll also ended up in there one day?
Oh you! To think you’ve also survived!

Kin’emon: is that fine with you?! Sir Marco
Marco: of course, nothing beats resting in one’s homeland

Page 9
Marco: I have..survived yet again…
Kawamatsu: same goes for us…
Kin’emon: we have survived this…
I can anything happens to the “heroes”
Let us pray for them

Yamato: I’m hungr..not hungry not hungry not hungry

Hiyori: Brother! Hear this!
Yamato: hm?
Hiyori!: Yamato-kun!!
Luffytaro-san and Zorojuro-san have..!!!
woke up!!!!!
Momo: behuh!!
I see that you’re still a tomboy!!
It doesn’t hurt me anymore but still!!

Page 10-11

Momo: Luffy! Zoro! You’ve wake up!!
servant: Bring more meats immediately!
Neko: this is great!
Luffy: another filling!!
Zoro: Another filling!!
Yamato: Luffy! Are you up?!!
Momo: Luffy! Zoro! Don’t eat too much right now!
I have decided to throw a nation wide feast once you two wake up!
That’ll be today!

Momo: Eh, I’m Momonosuke!

Luffy: what?!
Oh right you’re an adult now!
?: with a tough looking body too!!
Zoro: Is it inherited from Oden? Let me try beating it
Momo: stop!!

Page 12
Momo: stop it!! I’m being bullied by those two!!
Help me ONami♡
Nami: Kyaa!
Get away from me!!
Momo:I…I’m still eight!!
It doesn’t hurt but still…
Nami: ah…that’s right
Luffy and Zoro: Like I thought, he’s tough
Sanji: Ahaha! Welcome to the world of adult Momo!
Brook: your privilege is now gone!!
Yamato: the mind of a kid
And the body of Oden ♡
Momo: don’t put a plate on my head every single time we meet!
Yamato: you have a strong body! And you have your parents to thank!
I’m sure you’ll become the best Samurai of this country!!
Momo: I’ll work hard for that!

Page 13
Nami: Yamato! Let’s take a bath before the festival! Your “praying” is over now right?
Luffy: praying?
Junbe: Here at Wano they seem to have a tradition of holding in something while they pray in exchange for the deities to grant their wish
Yamato: I haven’t ate or showered for the past days!
Luffy: what?! I see thanks a bunch Yama-guy!! That must be why we are fine now!
Jinbe: what a nice person!!

Zoro: on the other hand we aren’t that dirty
Hiyori: that’s because I have been cleaning you♡ Are you happy about that? Heheh♡
Sanji: Mosshead I have got a word for you!!
(Sanji: After the fight, if I’m not in the right mind…I want you to kill me)
Zoro: oh you…I remember now…
I came back from hell just so I could kill you
Sanji: wait not that! I’ve got it settled!!

Yamato: Nami!! There’s no mix bath in this castle! So I’ll…
Kiku: is it okay…if I share it with you girls?

Page 14-15
【Onsen inside the castle】
All: time for a bath!!!
【men’s bath】
Yamato: the temperature is just right!!
Luffy: and we have a party waiting after this! Just great!!
Brook and Sanji: huh?! Is this a dream?!
Momo: Ya..Yamato how can you…!!!
【women’s bath】
Nami: the men are being noisy over there
Tama: I want to become bewitching like this too!!

Kiku: back then I’ll go in a bath with lord Oden..and with everyone else..
But it’s embarrassing to do so with other men…

Toko: feels good…ahaha
Hiyori: Okiku-chan is exactly like back then ♡
Now I’m the older one now

Citizens: looks like the party is today!! Let’s celebrate!!
The return of the Kozuki clan!!
Contact all the regions!

【Udon, Tokage port】
Franky: phew..looks like we got it back to normal
Usopp: yep no problem with sailing!
Franky: and Franky shogun is also all fixed up!!
Bepo: that thing is so cool!
Franky: heheh

Page 16
Kid: don’t get along too well you guys!!
don’t let your guards down before we set sail!!
Killer: no matter where the intel will be coming from, the news writers will be sure to get it in their hands
We are now replacing the Emperors as big targets!!
Law: exactly
Closed borders may prevent them from getting our information, but there’s also no way for us to learn what’s going on outside
Bepo: Maybe the bounties of Captain and the others…have risen to never before seen number…

Apoo: Apapapa!!
kid pirates: Apoo!! And a Number?!!
Apoo: you guys are right! I don’t know where they got the intel from buuuuut
Kid: you told them didn’t you annoying bastard!!
Apoo: the bounties you lots care about are on it ♫
Apapapa!! Wanna see?

Page 17
Apoo: it’s all written on here!!
You guys’ bounties and…
The ones who will be called the new “Emperors of the Sea”!!!

Akainu: I’m asking where the hell you are right now!!
Ryokugyu: like I said, Sakazuki-san, I’m in the sky
Akainu: and I’m asking where!!
Ryokugyu: ahhh I can see it now, the land of Wano
Akainu: don’t do anything unnecessary!
You hear me?! Ryokugyu!!!

Ryokugyu: yeah I know! Trust me

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