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One Piece SPOILERS Capitolo 1099

One Piece Capitolo Spoiler, ワンピース Spoiler, One Piece Raw

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Chapter of 17 pages. This week chapter is 100% finished
Chapter 1,099: "Pacifist".
Reader request in the cover: 3 tanukis are setting on Oden's hair.
Chapter starts where last one ended. King Bekori heard news about what the king of Goa Kingdom did there (burn down the "Gray Terminal"). So he's doing now the same in Sorbet Kingdom: burining down villages and shooting people who protest.
Kuma couldn't stand it anymore, so he destroyed the palace and defeated king Bekori. This event was later called "One-man Revolution of Sorbet". Short after that, in Mary Geoise, Saint Saturn heard news that there's a new king at Sorbet Kingdom.
Kuma couldn't refuse the people's demand, so he became the king of Sorbet Kingdom. However he still lived in the church, and the one who actually run Sorbet Kingdom was king Bulldog (who was the king of 2 generations ago).
One day, Bonney ate the "Toshi Toshi no Mi" by accident (we can't see when she ate it or why the fruit was in Sorbet Kingdom) and turned into her adult form (the same form that she uses in the present). Everyone was shocked thinking she was Ginny.
King Bulldog visited the church with his mother Conney. Bonney tried practising her transformation while she looked at Conney, so her old form becomes very similar to Conney. There's a gag scene in this part, with everyone keeps mistaking them with one another.
King Bulldog brought bad news to Kuma. Former king Bekori, who escaped yet again, had now the World Government on his side. The news came out that Kuma had overthrown him for power and he was now an evil ruler of Sorbet Kingdom. So the Marines will lend their forces to Bekori to take Sorbet Kingdom back.
Kuma decided to take care of Bekori for good but he won't be able to remain in Sorbet Kingdom after that. Kuma entrused Sorbet Kingdom to Bulldog. He will take Bonney to live with him in the castle and will make sure Bonney won't touch natural light.
Kuma then went out to see Bekori face to face. Bekori was accompanied by a Marine fleet in middle of the sea.
Bekori: "Kill him!! e's the "Tyrant" that took the kingdom from me!!"
Kuma sank all ships by himself (we can't see if Bekori is dead or not).
After this incident, Kuma fled to the sea and became a pirate. He had many evil nicknames and a very high bounty due to his strength (we can't see his bounty in this chapter). Meanwhile, Bonney was living under Conney's care in Sorbet Kingdom castle.
Bonney: "When I turn 10, I will become a pirate just like dad!!"
Kuma traveled around the world searching a cure for Bonney's disease. He visited all islands where he sent Straw Hat crew during Sabody incident: he talked with people of Torino Kingdom, with scientists from Weatheria, with Heracles in the Boin Archipelago... Even Abdullah and Jeet tried to get Kuma's bounty, but Kuma destroyed their ships.
Finally Kuma reunited with Dragon in "Wind Granma" ship in middle of the sea. All current Revolutionary Commanders were on the ship (except Sabo and Koala). Dragon told Kuma that Ivankov and Inazuma were both captured and sent to prison (no more details about this). Meanwhile Kuma had become a “king”, a "tyrant", and now a "pirate".
Belo Betty asked something to Kuma.
Belo Betty: "I want to become the Commander of the East Army, but Dragon would not give that position to anyone unless you allows it..."
Kuma: "So a woman with bad mouth will become a Commander!? Fine by me!!"
Dragon talked to Kuma about Vegapunk. Dragon said he never recommended Vegapunk to Kuma since it's impossible to meet Vegapunk while he's in Punk Hazard. However, an “accident" just happened at Punk Hazard (the huge explosion by Caesar Clown) and Vegapunk had to move his laboratory.
Dragon: "The defense of the new laboratory is still weak, so you should go and meet him now.
Kuma: "Thanks Dragon!!
If I manage to cure Bonney, I would like to fight alongside you again!!"
Dragon: "Just leave fate to the blow of the "wind", my friend!!"
Cut back to Bonney, she's learning to fight and can even defeat an adult in hand to hand combat when she's training in child form). Kuma arrived at Sorbet Kingdom to meet with Bonney.
Kuma brought Bonney in a box to Egghead Island, which was still a Winter Island. They meet Vegapunk, whose head was still big. Bonney played with Sentoumaru while Vegapunk and Kuma talked.
Vegapunk said to Kuma that it was possible to cure Bonney's disease. He will use a new technology of cell transplanted that wasn't used yet in any regular hospital. But the cost will be very high, just like creating a cyborg.
Vegapunk tested Kuma's blood and was shocked when he discovered Kuma was a buccaneer. Vegapunk asked why Kuma came to meet a Government man like him. Kuma said he trusts Dragon. Kuma asked Vegapunk how was his blood different from human blood. Vegapunk said there wasn't enough samples to come up with clear explanation.
Vegapunk: "Kuma!! Become a host of the clone army I'm planning to create and I will cure Bonney for free!!"
Kuma: "I will accept any condition for Bonney... But what your clones will do?"
Vegapunk: "They will become Marines!!
I will make them shoot laserbeams to defeat evil pirates, and have strong bodies to be used as shield for innocent people!!"
Cut to Mary Geoise. We can see that Saint Saturn is actually listening their entire conversation.
Saturn: "That Vegapunk has no idea how to utilize this chance. I have another idea..."
Back to Egghead Island, Kuma and Vegapunk are still talking.
Kuma: "At first I planned to accept any condition, even if you've been a demon.
But if your clones can save the lives of people, maybe this is the purpose why I was born!"
Vegapunk: "You are such a saint!!"
Kuma: "No, I am just a "Pacifista"!!" (Kuma uses japanese word "E" with "Pacifista" (7179) in katakana).
Vegapunk: "I like that word!
Let's use it to call the "warriors of the future" that we will create!!"
End of chapter, NO break next week.


Page 1 ( Cover Page)

Cover Page Request: Oden's hair is being arranged by 3 Tanukis

PAGE 2-3

King Bekori mentions that in a Kingdom far away in the East (most likely referring to Goa Kingdom in East Blue) this policy he is doing by burning the trash part of the Kingdom was a success. A country without trash was highly praised by the Celestial Dragons. Bekori says that having an evil heart is necessary for attaining great happiness/welfare.
The citizens are protesting. Bekori says to his guards to shoot 4-5 persons and says that this is for a great cause. The soldiers open fires but Kuma arrives. His face is filled with rage.

In Mary Geoise, Saturn hears the news that there's a new king in Sorbet Kingdom and asked who it is.

By the vote of the citizens, Kuma became the "King who lived in an old Church"

The elderly are still going to Kuma for their pain treatment and lightly teases him about being King. Kuma says that they should stop teasing him because the one who really runs the country is Bulldog. Kuma says he's just an ornament for the sake of safety.
The citizens say that King Bulldog was the past king before Bekori. Although those times were hard, they say that their hearts were full.

A young girl is running and shouting "big haul!" "big haul!" . The elders are wondering who she was. They say she's cute and looks like Ginny. Kuma and the others are surprised. Bonney says "What's the matter? When I become 10 years old, I will sail out to sea with my father and see the horizon!"

Kuma and the others say "Father"?!

Bonney looked at the mirror and was surprised to see her appearance. Gyogyo comments that her change in appearance must be the cause of a Devil Fruit. Ginny and Kuma collapse from shock (LOL)


An elder is reading a DF Encyclopedia and comments this must be the "Toshi-Toshi no Mi" (Age-Age Fruit). He wonders where Bonney got it.

Bonney is straining to age herself up. Kuma is worried and crying, because she's trying to age herself to ten years old. King Bulldog visits Kuma's church. Gyogyo is surprised to see Bonney aged herself up to an old woman but in reality, she is Queen Conney, the former crown queen of the Kingdom. (The disguise Bonney used in Mary Geoise) Which is King Bulldog's mother. Bulldog introduces himself to Bonney and says he has important matters to discuss with Kuma.


Bulldog tells the news about Kuma being an "Evil Ruler" in the newspapers. There's information that King Bekori will return to Sorbet Kingdom and that he has the backing of the World Government. The citizens are worried. Kuma assures that he won't let King Bekori set foot on Sorbet Kingdom. He will fight them again but after that, he will be treated as a criminal and cannot stay in the Kingdom. He then asks Bulldog to continue being King.


Kuma plans to left Bonney in their care. Bonney successfully mimics Queen Conney's age appearance. Kuma picks up Conney mistaking her as Bonney and tells her that he will go somewhere and come back. Bulldog says that the one he's holding is her mother. LOL

Kuma confronts King Bekori and his Marine escorts. Bekori calls Kuma a "Tyrant". Kuma sinks all the ships.


Kuma who sets out to the sea was treated as a pirate and was issued a wanted poster and a bounty.

Back in Sorbet Kingdom , Bonney says he misses her father. She told Conney that she will become a pirate too when she turns into an adult. Conney says she should not.

Kuma visits Torino Kingdom (the island where Chopper spent the 2 year timeskip) and asks the citizens if they know anything about the Sapphire Scale sickness.


We see Kuma visits Kuraigana Island (the island where Mihawk lived and where Zoro spent the 2 year timeskip). Abdullah and Jeet tried to hunt Kuma but they were defeated. LOL. We see Kuma visits Baldimore (Vegapunk's home island and where Franky spent the 2 year TS). He passed through to Tequila Wolf (long bridge construction, where Robin was sent to 2 years ago). He also visits Weatheria and asks Haredas (the sky island where Nami was sent in the 2 year TS). He also visits the Boin Archipelago (where Usopp spent the 2 year TS) and asks Heracles.

Kuma remembers how Bonney's life will be lost when she turns 10 and starts to cry.

Kuma visits Dragon's ship. He was greeted by Morley, Belo Betty and Gambo.


Kuma and Dragon talk. Dragon says that Iva and Inazuma were imprisoned. Dragon tells that the time that he didn't see Kuma, Kuma became a King, a tyrant and now a pirate. Kuma tells him that people change.

Betty asks Kuma if she can get the post of East Army Commander. Kuma says why she is asking him. Betty says that Dragon said that until Kuma's permission is granted, the East Army Commander title will rest with Ginny. Kuma comments that "a woman with a bad mouth will lead the East Army? Fine with me".

Dragons say that Sabo and Koala and the young "patriots" are maturing in strength and wanted to show it to Kuma.

Kuma tells Dragon that he travelled the world. He thought about asking Dragon every time on his travels. Kuma says that he wants to return to the RA.

Dragon says that he was about to tell Kuma news regarding Bonney's possible treatment. He told Kuma about Vegapunk and how he can visit him now that he has moved location (due to the incident mentioned, most likely the explosion at Punk Hazard) . Normally, Vegapunk is impossible to visit but right now, given the circumstances, Kuma has a window.

AGE 13

Kuma thanked Dragon. Kuma is thinking it's hopeless but he will go meet Vegapunk. Dragon says "Go with the course of the winds of fate, my friend."

Kuma comes home and finds Bonney who has beaten up a bad guy and praises her. Both of them went to the "Marine Scientific Group Laboratory #8" which will later become "Egghead Island" in the future.

Kuma says to Bonney that there's a doctor who will check on her disease.


Vegapunk is shocked to see Kuma. He says "A human like this exists?!"

Kuma said "I was thinking the same thing right now" (most likely referring to Vegapunk's appearance w/ his big head LOL)

Bonney says "Wow, look at that head! Gross!"

Vegapunk is impressed with Kuma's physique. He asks to get a sample of his muscles, for the sake of scientific advancement. He also tells Bonney is a cheeky child but says he doesn't mind it.

Vegapunk praises Kuma for stopping the advancement of Sapphire Scales until now. Vegapunk says it can be cured. He will use a technology that's still not being used in modern medical treatment.


Vegapunk says, to be precise he will create new stem cells and transplant it. But it's complicated and will cost a lot of money, just like creating a Cyborg. Kuma says "I will become a cyborg?" Vegapunk says "this conversation is going nowhere"

Vegapunk sees Kuma's blood analysis result and is shocked and asks if he is a Buccaneer. He also asks why he is involving himself with a man from the WG. Kuma answered that he trusts Dragon. Kuma asks what is the difference of his blood to a normal human's. Vegapunk says that he has no sample that can explain it in detail yet.

Vegapunk then asks Kuma to become the model of his clone army. He says that he was looking for the perfect candidate. If Kuma agrees to become the blood sample source of his clone army, he will do Bonney's treatment for free. Vegapunk says "plus, you don't have money anyway right?"

(This is Shaka, Lilith and York personalities showing all at once. LOL)


Bonney is shown in the background talking with Sentoumaru and she is sitting on his axe. LOL

Kuma says he will do anything. Kuma asks what will his clones do? Will they become Marine Soldiers.
Vegapunk describes that these clones will be able to shoot laser beams, defeat pirates and will become a formidable force of science. Their sturdy bodies will protect anyone from bullets and will become the hero of the citizens. Vegapunk rants about the future.

Kuma says to Vegapunk that "Dragon said that you're a strange man who is honest with his desires but can be trusted."

Vegapunk said "Dragon said that? How very cheeky of him"

Kuma said "If these clones that look like me will save someone else's life, then me being born in this world would have meaning."

Vegapunk says "Dragon would kill me if he learns about this terms/conditions you agreed to"

Kuma said "No, I have nothing but gratitude to the both of you."


Kuma: "Frankly, if it's to save Bonney, I don't care even if you're the devil himself. Please cure Bonney."

Vegapunk: "You're such a saint."

Saturn is seen wiretapping and hears all the convo between Kuma and Vegapunk.

Saturn says that these clones are meant to be "weapons". A weapon that can kill masses of people. He says Vegapunk doesnt see the true value of this opportunity. Saturn says he has an idea for this.

Back to Vegapunk and Kuma's convo:

Kuma: "A saint? I'm just a timid Pacifista"

(the Kanji reads as "heiwashugisha" meaning Pacifist but the reading is "Pacifista")

Vegapunk: Pepepepe!!! I like that! That's what we will call the soldiers of the future!

End Note: "Just wishing for peace..."

Chapter 1099 END


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